

Dear media representatives! Dear film professionals!

To get the festival accreditation for 15th Kino Otok – Isola Cinema film festival (5. 6. to 9. 6. 2019), please submit filled out form available below to (press accreditation), or (PRO accreditation).


Press accreditation
Deadline for submission: 31 May 2019


Submission form for press accreditation

PRO accreditation

Deadline for submission: 4 June 2019

The price of the accreditation is 28 € (-20%*).


PRO accreditation can be purchased at the main festival box office at Izola Tourist Information Centre (TIC Izola, Ljubljanska ulica 17, working hours 10.00-19.00) from 5. 6. 2019  and only after it has been approved by the festival PRO staff.
* 20 % discount on the PRO accreditation is available for:  Discount prices for students, members of the Association of Slovenian Film Production Designers, Costume Designers and Make up Designers, Slovene Association of Cinematographers, Slovenian Association of Post-production Artists, Producers Guild of Slovenia (DSP), and Art Cinema Network of Slovenia