The project ”Moving Cinema: Methodologies, strategies and tools for young people to appreciate cinema and become active spectators” has been since 2014 creating strong links between young people and cinema, giving them the tools to be autonomous spectators, and ultimately, building active and sensitive audiences able to appreciate diverse cinematographic manifestations. It focuses on contemporary and classic European auteur cinema, with special attention to films and filmmakers that differ from the mainstream, and yet are able to engage young people in a deep and meaningful way.
Otok Institute has joined the 2018-2020 edition, which has a main objective to create and strenghten the bond of youth with European cinema through strategies that build present and future habits. The project will involve young people aged 12 to 18 from Spain, Lithuania, UK, Germany, and Slovenia. One of the working cores will be to connect the work inside school hours and the actions that address the leisure of young people. Moving Cinema is structured in several levels, which encourage the development of actions with young people, the creation and dissemination of open data online resources to diverse film exhibition spaces, such as festivals, cinemas, cinematheques, and VOD platforms, and sharing of methodologies through online and offline actions.
Main project coordinator is A Bao A Qu (Spain). Project partners are Centre for the Moving Image (UK), Kijufi (Germany), Meno Avilys (Lithuania) in Zavod Otok (Slovenia). The project also involves Os Filhos de Lumière (Portugal), La Cinémathèque française (France) and the British Film Institute (UK).
Moving Cinema project website. Moving Cinema project Vimeo channel.