PRO Otok is a programme of the festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema for film professionals.
1. 6., 10.00–16.00, Manzioli palace
2. 6., 9.30–10.30, Manzioli palace
The Art Cinema Network of Slovenia (AKMS) brings together venues that promote art cinema. Members of the association will meet to share good practice examples in programming, programme collaboration and promotion in the context of arthouse cinemas.
The event is open for all interested individuals.
2. 6., 11.00–12.00, Manzioli palace
Panellists: Jure Matičič (AKMS), Marius Hrdy (Diagonale Festival of Austrian Film, Avstrija/Austria), Michael Pattison (filmski kritik in kurator, VB/film critic and curator, UK), Nicoletta Romeo (Trieste Film Festival, Italija/Italy), Nina Peče (Kinodvor. Mestni kino.), Tanja Hladnik (Kino Otok – Isola Cinema).
The event will focus on the challenges and opportunities arising from collaborations between arthouse cinemas as venues with year-round activity and film festivals as events packed into a few days. Moderated by Mateja Zorn (film festival Nagrada Darko Bratina). Co-organised by Otok and AKMS.
The event is open for all interested individuals.
FOCUS is an original programme of Otok Institute, organized in collaboration with/with support of Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC), FVG Audiovisual Fund (Italy), Institute Motovila/Creative Europe Desk Slovenia, Creative Europe Desk Croatia, Creative Europe Desk Torino (Italy), Slovene Association of Cinematographers and Association of Slovenian Film Production Designers, Costume Designers and Make up Designers.
FOCUS Programme catalogue
3. 6., 9.00–13.00, Manzioli palace
As a cinematographer, Christian Berger has worked with major directors such as Terrence Malick, János Szász and Angelina Jolie. For his work in The White Ribbon, the longstanding collaborator of Michael Haneke and inventor of the Cine Reflect Lighting System (CRLS) was nominated for Academy Award for Best Cinematography. His latest project with Haneke, Happy End, premiered at this year’s Cannes festival. In his masterclass, he will speak out against technical dictate and explain his new thinking about light.
For FOCUS participants and PRO Pass holders.
3. 6., 14.00–15.30, Manzioli palace
Panellists: Christian Berger (cinematographer, Austria), Ludovica Ferrario (production designer, Italy), Ankica Jurić Tilić (producer, Croatia), Sonja Prosenc (director, Slovenia), Dušan Milavec (production designer, Slovenia)
FOCUS, a new international training and networking programme for emerging film professionals, is the first-of-a-kind event in the region that puts a spotlight on film professions with less visibility. With a panel of speakers, Otok Institute aims to start a debate about collaborations of creative individuals in international co-productions, and about positioning yourself in an international market as an emerging cinematographer or production designer. Moderated by Alessandro Gropplero (FVG Audiovisual Fund, Italy).
The event is open for all interested individuals.
3. 6., 16.00–19.00, Manzioli palace
FOCUS puts a spotlight on film professions with less visibility with the aim of encouraging international co-productions. 12 emerging cinematographers and production designers from Croatia, Italy and Slovenia, will speak about their vision and work approach for directors, producers and public.
The event is open for all interested individuals.
3. 6., 19.00, Hotel Marina, Veliki trg 11
Hosted by Creative Europe Desks – MEDIA offices from Slovenia, Croatia and Italy (Torino).
For FOCUS participants, PRO Pass holders and invitations.
4.6., 10.00–13.00, Manzioli palace
In the recent years, Ludovica Ferrario has worked closely with Academy Award winner Paolo Sorrentino, first as art director in The Great Beauty, then as production designer in Youth, which brought her several award nominations. She also worked with Sorrentino on Season 1 of The Young Pope as production designer and a preproduction for the upcoming New Pope. Other directors she has worked with include Wim Wenders and Abbas Kiarostami. Her masterclass will focus on achieving the impression of reality by means of production design.
For FOCUS participants and PRO Pass holders.
4. 6., 11.00–12.30, Manzioli palace
The filmography of Ankica Jurić Tilić, one of the most successful producers from countries of the former Yugoslavia, includes more than 20 feature-length films, several TV series, and a number of shorts. She produced the Cannes-awarded film The High Sun by Dalibor Matanić, and Quit Staring at My Plate by Hana Jušić, which was awarded at Venice Days. Jurić Tilić will use specific examples to speak about her work at large. Co-organised by Otok Institute and the ‘Emerging film producers’ branch of the Association of Slovene Film Producers.
For PRO Pass holders.