Summer is coming back; 15th Kino Otok will shine on Isola with a surprise screening

Summer is coming back; 15th Kino Otok will shine on Isola with a surprise screening

On Wednesday, 5. June the 15th edition of the international film festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema is moving from Koper, Cerknica, and Ljubljana to the central island venue Isola to start celebrating the first 15 years of the festival. The grand opening follows tomorrow and in the grasp of Isola’s harbours and secret places the celebration will continue until Sunday.

We begin at 17.00 with a programme of Lithuanian short documentary films, joined under the name Antigravitation. The selected documentaries from five Lithuanian filmmakers are – with the exception of Antigravity by Audrius Stonys – created in the 60s. Marked by a generation of filmmakers educated in the Moscow’s VGIK, the oldest film school in the world.

Under the stars of the Manzioli square the big screen will be enlighted by the traditional surprise screening. The mystery film delighted the festival audiences around the world with its magic realism, today’s screening will be a unique opportunity for Kino Otok’s audience, as the film is not in the festival programme.

Alongside grown-up lovers of the seventh art, their film haven in Isola will be found by the young and the youngest film-lovers. Submarine – Island for Children, a programme for children, the young and families will anchor in Isola’s House of culture, while we uncover a brand new festival venue: Sončna dvorana JSKD. This year’s Submarine will talk of accepting diversity and overcoming life’s obstacles. The youngest can see a Slovene story 1-2-3 Mury and The Gruffalo, school children can see a film about teenagers starting their band Los Bando, and a Danish family film Vitello. The projections of the animated film Vitello will be followed by an exchange of views on the theme and language of the film between film and pedagogical workers.

The Island activity will be enriched by a film workshop Moving Cinema, an exhibition of poster and other creations of young artists under the name The Value of Diversity: Exhibition of posters and other works by young artists and Sharpening the gaze: young critics workshop. As a bonus projection we will see a film from the programme Screening with Fresh Film Catch, a film made by schoolchildren
Vstop prepovedan made at a facultative class Vzgoja za medije OŠ Prežihovega Voranca v Ljubljani in cooperation with RTV Slovenija and Zavod na Robu.

The complete film programme and other information about this years festival can be found on our website and social media networks.

See you at Otok!